The Wedding photographer

Stories and fantasies about rainwear.
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The Wedding photographer

Post by spitfire617 »


The Wedding Photographer

Colleen was a veteran photographer. Mainly portraits of people, Dogs and landscapes.
On this occasion she had an assignment which she usually did not cover, A wedding.
Being seasoned as she was, a careful study of the day's weather was part of her planning.

The day's forecast said that it was going to be dull for most of the day apart from there being rain from 1pm to 4pm during the afternoon.

The wedding was due to take place at 2pm right in the forecast of rain.

Colleen had all her camera gear ready in it's cases. So her next preparation was to gather up a couple of White umbrella's she had specially bought for this type of event.
Next on her list were 6 cheap plastic clear ponchos, One for the bride and 4 for the bridesmaid's, keeping a spare just in case one ripped or was destroyed in some way.

Next was her own waterproof gear. Colleen had various waterproof's she used when out and about. But for today she choose a waterproof cape which in the event of a downpour would also cover her camera that she would have over her shoulder.

Having sorted out everything Colleen put everything into her car and drove to the church where the wedding was to take place.
Parking up she unloaded the car placing most of her equipment under a tree.
This included the cheap ponchos and her own cape. Keeping her camera in their cases and ready to be used at a moments notice.

The bride arrived and Colleen sprang into action Clicking away and giving polite instructions as to how to stand and how to position herself. Then it was the Bridesmaids turn.

One completed The Bride and Bridesmaid entered the church.

Colleen moved everything from under the tree into the church now.
She was not allowed to photograph anything until the Vicar said she could do so.

The actual wedding went on for about 45 minutes until the signing of the register when Colleen was allowed to document this occasion.

During this time rain could be heard on the slate sloping roof of the church. Not just a gentle pitter-patter of small raindrops hitting the slate, but a full blown down pour.

As the ceremony was completed Colleen had got to the back of the church, grabbed her rain cape, put it on and fastened the chrome poppers which would hold it together.

Next with a small gesture she stopped the Bride and Groom from going outside.
First handing the Bride one of plastic wrapped ponchos, which she quickly unwrapped and pulled over her head and covered her White lacy Wedding dress and veil with it. Her next action was to hand out the other ponchos to the four Bridesmaid's. Who followed the Bride's lead.
After all the ponchos had been donned, Colleen handed the Groom one of the large White umbrella's she had bought. The second umbrella she gave to the Bride's mother to shelter whom ever she chose to.

Colleen put her own rain cape hood up over her flowing long blonde hair and stepped into the deluge that was coming from the dark sky despite it being only 3pm.

Positioning the Bride and Groom under the relative shelter of the church's old stone porch Colleen let out the rest of the wedding party to face the rain.
Some of the guests had come prepared for the possible weather. Some people had raincoats, some had varying sizes of umbrella's whilst a few others pulled out their own versions of cheap ponchos. The rest tried to shelter under the trees that dotted the church yard.

Colleen stepped back to get a wider photograph of all the Bridal party. As she did the rain hit her rain cape and started to drip to the floor off it. She thought to herself as she was taking photos that maybe she should have worn some kind of rain boot but had second thoughts. Her stiletto shoes she was wearing were getting wet very quickly and she was sure she would eventually sink into the quickly getting sodden grass around the church.

As the rainstorm proceed to throw water to the ground loud thunder clap penetrated the sky.

Now Colleen decided to finish off the photos and do some later in the afternoon and evening.

The Bride and her Groom hurried to the White wedding car that was waiting for them on the driveway of the church. The groom sheltering his new wife with the big white umbrella. Her poncho still on as she entered it.
Colleen did not follow the tradition of photographing the Bride and Groom in the car as it was now really to wet to do so even though she was protected by her heavy White rain cape.

The car left the church and disappeared in to the continuing down pour. The car lights disappeared very quickly.

Colleen packed her cameras away in their own waterproof cases and placed them carefully in the boot of her car. Fastening the boot she opened the car door and got in. Still wearing her waterproof cape.
Taking the hood from off her head, She shook her long Blonde hair so it now flowed over her shoulder.

Moving off and making her way though traffic she arrived at the Country club where the reception was being held. Colleen had trouble finding a parking space as there was also a second wedding party being held at the same time.

Getting out of the car and into the rain she pulled the rain cape hood up and covered her flowing hair. Grabbing just one of her cameras Colleen made her way into the main hall. Slipping the rain-drenched cape off her shoulders and placing it onto a spare hook that was by the door for such an occasion.

Colleen found her party and continued her assignment but now in the warmth and comfort indoors.
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