The Holiday - Part 5

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The Holiday - Part 5

Post by JellyMan »

“Wow”, exclaimed Bill, “this place is better on the inside than the outside suggests”, and he threw himself down on the huge bed. Julian stood by the window admiring the sea view, from what he thought might just be the best room, no suite, in the hotel.
“I wonder who the real White couple are and if they will turn up demanding their room?”, said Bill.
“Maybe”, said his friend, “but for now I think a little pre-dinner shower and maybe a little cuddle?”
“Cuddle yes, but I need to regather my strength before we do anything naughty, you drained me dry you kinky sod!”
Julian bent down and parted Bills plastic clad legs, running a hand up his thigh and resting it under his balls, “we’ll have to see about that, there are other options of course”, and he pushed his hand under Bills bottom and ran a finger around his arsehole.

Whilst Julian showered, Bill had unpacked the entire contents of their one suitcase, and carefully laid out all the kinky clothing and accessories on the bed to take stock of their options it in truth, he was enjoying looking at them, wanting to use them himself and see Julian in them.
Julian came out of the bathroom, naked and towelling his hair, “oh God I feel so much better for that!”
“Your wardrobe choices for this evening my love”, said Bill, passing his hand through the air in a circular motion towards the bed.
“Well, we have been forced into PVC, leather and latex the whole holiday, why stop now? We should make this a total kink-fest vacation”, replied Julian.
“Oh I agree, but mainly because we have literally have no other choice!”, Bill replied, “and if you ask me, I think you need to try these tonight”, Bill pointed to a pair of latex trousers, “I forgot I packed them right at the bottom of the suitcase, it will do you good to get out of plastic and do something different”.
“It never does me good to get out of plastic, but for you my darling, anything!”

This was no guest house, and judging by what the girl on reception was saying, there might be a fair few other people at dinner, so both men were very nervous as they stepped out into the hallway from their suite.
Julian walked ahead. Bill held back a few paces to allow himself full view of Julian’s rubber covered bottom that looked so sexy, especially as Bill had taken great care, and pleasure, in applying the shine spray to his friend.
Bills crotch ached a lot from all the ejaculations, but his dick was slightly stiff right now.
Bill had decided, after wiping them down for freshness, than Julian must be subjected to him wearing the plastic jeans all evening. The feeling was certainly different but he was more interested in the feelings it aroused in Julian seeing him like that.
As they emerged from lift their quest for the Lancaster Room was helped by a sign with a big arrow saying “DSFC event Lancaster Room”, allthough they had no idea what “DSFC” meant.

They stood nervously outside the double doors, hearing a lot of chatter from many voices inside over the sound of background music.
As they entered the room when silent, but not because of them, a man stood on a small podium at the other end of the room and had called for quiet before addressing everyone.
Bill and Julian bobbed apologetically and found the nearest pair of vacant seats. Immediately a girl in black offered them drinks from a silver tray, “I like this place”, whispered Bill.
Julian ignored his friend, his attention was elsewhere.
Bill was about to continue when he clocked the view. He forgot to close his mouth as he looked upon an entire room of people dressed in an array of fetish clothing, about 80% men, but some wonderfully outrageously dressed women as well.
He spotted the man from reception earlier, who in that moment was looking back at Bill, and winked provocatively.

The mystery of DSFC was solved by the big sign on a stand next to the man who was talking, “Drayton South Fetish Club”.
“looks like, for once, our attire is spot on the mark”, whispered bill.
Julian pointed across the room, “maybe a little too conservative for this lot”, picking out a character dressed head to foot in a black latex outfit with what looked like rubber spikes all over it, including over the hood, so he looked a bit like a human sea urchin.
The speaker appeared almost normally attired in leather jeans and white tee shirt, until he shifted his pose, revealing that he was in fact wearing black latex briefs and chaps, given away by the bare flesh between them.
The visitors paid little attention to what was said as they were transfixed on the many, and varied, fetish outfits before them, that is until they heard words, “it appears we have two guests with us this evening”.
Bill and Julian froze rigid, they had been found out.
“Please stand up and make yourselves known”, the speaker added.
The legs of Julian an Bills chairs screeched out as the couple moved to stand, but as they did so, two other figures stood at the very back of the room, previously hidden from view by the sign.
“Os shit!”, exclaimed Bill.

Julia was wearing her signature PVC catsuit, the one with the zip that went all the way down and under.
Ann was wearing a black bra, see-through plastic jelly jacket and some black plastic joggers that were identical to Tamara’s. She winced slightly as she stood as her clit stud was pulled by the crotch of her trousers, it was an uncomfortable and wonderful feeling.
Tamara was a professional, she was very good at her job and customers had to trust her. Nonetheless, any work she as asked to do in the area of a girls pussy was a bonus. She tried to stop Ann from having a clit piercing, suggesting that labia rings would be a good alternative. But Ann insisted on her checking if it was possible. A little liquid ran down Tamara’s leg from her cunt as she was required to investigate Ann, and upon discovering the biggest clit she had seen in a long time, agreed to do the procedure. She knew exactly how to make the piercing so that it avoided damaging the important nerve endings that were essential to a really good orgasm. But little did she know that Ann had gone online and found an even bigger stud with ribbed edges; when she was wearing it she could not help but know it was there with every move she made.
Julia thanked the speaker, then looked all the way down to the other end of the room and her gaze fixed on the two men.

“Er, time to go?”, suggested Bill.
They got up to leave, but the doors were barred by two big men that looked they had been hired as bouncers for the occasion but forced to wear entirely inappropriate black latex outfits. Their arms were crossed menacingly,
“And it appears that we also have some uninvited guests”, the speaker added, gesturing towards Bill and Julian.
“Gentlemen, this is a private event for members only. Ordinarily I would ask you to leave, but it would appear that these ladies have unfinished business with you”.
“Wait”, the tall man that had been giving Bill the eye stood up, “they are with me, I asked them to join us, it was a last minute thing, I didn’t have time to clear it with you master, please accept my apology?”.
“Well, this is unexpected Mister Pain, if you vouch for them, then I suppose they can stay”.
Julia’s face visibly changed to annoyance.
“I’m not sure I like the idea of Mr.Pain, I think I would have preferred to be kicked out, or even dealt with by the landlady again”, said Bill with a worried tone to his voice.
“He does seem to have taken a shine to you”, Julian replied, nodding in the direction of the tall chap who was smiling and looking straight at Bill.

At that moment doors at the rear of the room opened and waiting staff entered carrying silver trays above their heads.
“Saved by the prawn cocktails”, exclaimed Julian.
It turned out that these fetish types were a friendly bunch. Bill and Julian chatted effortlessly to them during the meal, but always aware of where Julia nad Ann were, an ready to make a quick getaway.
“This is great”, said Bill, “I just said to the chap behind us that I love PVC macks in such a matter-of-fact way, and he just smiled and said he’d love someone to tie him up in one. It’s just great that we can say these things openly”.
Julian replied,”I know, you see the bloke over there in the pink latex outfit? Well he told me he wore pink because he really wanted to be a girl and was saving for a sex change. I told him he’d make a lovely woman and he seemed genuinely pleased”.
The evening was going well, but with all this distraction around, Bill and Julian kept a hand on each other’s thigh much of the time to assert that “look but don’t touch”. Plus of course they enjoyed the feeling of their partner in latex and plastic.

The meal finished and the couple almost forgot about the women.
The lights dimmed and a few musicians wandered out behind where the speaker had stood. There were three men and two girls who took up positions as backing vocals. All were wearing black leather, which seemed incredibly tame under the circumstances. The 80’s cover songs started. Waiting staff removed tables in the centre of the room to create a makeshift dance floor.
The mood in the room changed, it felt like things were getting serious, and maybe amiable acquaintances made earlier in the evening might turn into something more on the dance floor.
“Maybe time to leave”, said Bill, “i can’t see where the women are and it worries me. If they bought those collars with them and carted us off in them right here, this lot would probably cheer!”
Julian turned, “good idea”, but it was too late, Ann grabbed him and pulled him forcefully into the centre of the room. It was clear that she wasn’t letting go, so Julian relaxed and put his arm around her, pleased at the feeling of the vinyl jacket.
“You boys are in big trouble, you know that right?”, she said in a calm but menacing tone.
Julian looked over towards Bill, expecting him to be in Julia’s clutches, but not surprisingly his face was nestled nervously into th black rubber folds of Mr.Pain who towered above him.
Julian pulled Ann closer to him, “look none of this is our fault, Julia started it. We can pay for any damage, we just want a holiday together, just the two of us in peace”.
Ann pressed her head against Julian’s and whispered, “oh she has much more in mind for you two, trust me”.
His upper thigh pushed between her legs as they embraced, “oi, none of that you perv, that hurt!”, she said.
“Hurt what?”, Julian replied.
Ann pushed away slightly, pulled the elasticated waist of her plastic joggers forward with one hand, and with her other one she pushed back her rounded tummy and exposed her shaved pussy. Julian looked down, as he thought that’s what she wanted, but in the dim light could only see the glint of metal between her fingers.
“Oi! Piss off you sod, looking down there, I was just checking to make nothing was bleeding. Just keep yourself to yourself.”, but she made no attempt to stop Julian looking. In truth she liked the idea of telling men off.
Julian looked around to see if Julia was lurking, ready to pounce, but she was nowhere to be seen.

Bill was very concerned when Dave had come over. Dave was Mr.Pain’s real name. But they chatted and it turned out that he got the nickname because he liked to feel pain, not because he wanted to inflict it on others. Bill knew it was naughty, but Dave’s outfit was too inviting, and he was tall and dark, if not quite that handsome. Julia stood at the side of the room, watching, plotting, working out her next move.

Tamara called Ann the day after her tattoo to ask how she was doing, to make sure she knew how to keep it clean, free from infection and to reduce scaring. But mostly she remembered how she felt as she tattooed her pussy. Ann had agreed to pop in to let Tamara check her out, and she was excited to be back in her studio, the dark vibes and Tamara’s sexy voice.
Things were a lot less professional on the second visit. Ordinarily Tamara suggested that the tattoo be covered with cling film for a couple of days, but when that wasn’t an option where it was, she had a stock of plastic pants for such situations.
Ann was back in the chair, admiring the artwork as Tamara snapped on her black gloves and got ready for the examination.
To Tamara’s delight Ann had stripped off below the waist but kept the plastic pants on, and they were tight between her legs.
The second meeting was not as professional in a way that both women were very glad.
It was after Ann’s first experience of lesbian love that Tamara offered her a parting gift; black plastic joggers just like her own. Ann was thrilled and tried them on immediately. Tamra was hooked!
Two hours later Ann finally left the studio.

Julia paced back and forth along the back wall of the room. She looked a little crazy, so people kept away from her.
Suddenly she stopped, grinned towards Julian, and walked out of the room.

Sam was a nice chap, if a little fond of his own voice. He was the one doing all the talking at the start of the evening. Julian, Bill, Dave, and he, chatted about their favourite rainwear. Ann was there, but her mind was elsewhere, bored by chat about whether latex was better than PVC and if zips were sexier than buttons, “where is Julia”, she thought.
BING, she received a text message, “get the boys back to their room in about 20 minutes”, the contact said, “Jools”, which was her pet name for her best friend.
“Oh sod”, she thought, another 20 minutes of whether raincoat fabric is best heavy or lightweight.
A waiter walked by and Ann relieved him of a colourful looking cocktail that she hadn’t ordered. It was strong enough to help with the boredom, and she even chipped in by telling the boys that she had fucked a girl called Tamara who showed her the delights of plastic.

Bill wobbled as he walked along the corridor towards the lift, giggling and trying to sing Scotland the Brave because someone earlier said they fancied Mel Gibson. Julian was even more paralytic, as she propped him up as they made their way along, only slightly suspicious that he was using it as an excuse to put his hands where he shouldn’t.
They arrived at their door, but there was a strange red light emanating from under it, Julian had a bad feeling, but his head was like lead at that moment. Ann was getting woozy for having to almost carry Julian; she just wanted to get into the room.

Dave was a great guy, and Bill was getting on great, but he knew that the women were going to try some kinky shit designed to humiliate them. He asked the way to the bathroom, then made his excuses. He was gone a while, but as promised returned to continue the conversation about the best places to buy quality rainwear in Edinburgh.

The sight that greeted them was not at all what they expected. Julia had somehow got hold of access to their room and had clearly set it up as a makeshift dungeon of sorts. She had put a red material over the lights. The bed was festooned with all manner of shackles, belts, that whip and both the collars, all lying on top of the purple shiny latex bedsheet. Julia lay face down, naked on the bed; her PVC suit lay crumpled on the floor. Something twinkled between her buttocks - it was the head of a butt plug. She didn’t react to their entrance,
Ann moved forward to check on her friend, “babe are you ok, is,,,”, suddenly she stopped, her whole body wavered, then she toppled head first into the rubber bedding next to Julia, with legs draped over the edge of the bed Julian just had enough time to admire her huge arse held tight in the plastic leggings, before he also went giddy and fell forward until he was kneeling on the floor with his face planted firmly between Ann’s butt cheeks, but only a few seconds to enjoy it before he was out cold.

CLICK, the small kettle finished boiling. Bill poured hot water into two mugs and squeezed out the tea bags before adding milk. BBC news was burbling in the background on the TV. He swung round and offered a glass of water to Julian, who was sitting in the tub chair, naked.
“Here, I expect you need these my love”, and he handed his friend two paracetamol tablets.
Julian opened an eye amd immediately shut it, “whooooa what yhe hell is going on? Where am I?”
He glared over and saw the familiar faces of the girls on the bed, but rather then being a threat, both were bound and gagged. Julia was still naked. Ann was also naked except for still wearing her see-through plastic jelly jacket. Both women had spreader bars attached to their ankles making their legs forcibly part to show of their pussies. They squirmed and tried to protest, but nothing meaningful got past the ball gags.
“How? Er, what, I mean um, how did…”, Julian mumbled in a confused voice.
“You have all been roofied!”, replied Bill. When I knew the girls would be up to something I got a bottle of fizz from the bar and left it in our room, it was laced with several of my sleeping tablets. I wasn’t sure at what point in the evening it would be drunk, but my plan was to get the girls to have it. I was surprised to see that Julia had already imbibed and it had worked well. When I got back downstairs after setting thing up, I saw Ann taking two drinks over to you and suspected foul play, so I got an identical drink, popped in more tablets and swapped if for her glass when she wasn’t looking. What I don’t know was that she had done the same to your glass, so I am afraid my darling you have been out for the count all night”.

“What’s your plan?”, Julian asked, still wincing from the bright light.
“Well, first of all I think we need this tea”, he removed the glass from Julian’s hand and passed him the white mug, “careful it is very hot. I sorted out our friends here”, he pointed to the bed, “then had some kip before waking to watch the news and make tea and, past that, I hadn’t really thought”.
Julian was recovering, but whatever Ann had given him, it was stronger than Bill’s sleeping tablets, “the way I feel right now I’d be happy to just leave these two as they are and go”.
“Your wish, master, is my command”, Bill replied. He cleared the room of their possessions, dressed Julian in his own cotton trousers, “they are not that clean, but I think you have earned a bit of time away from kinkyness”.
They were packed and ready to go, but Bill had one more thing to do. He rummaged through Julia’s items and found two vibrators. He switched them on to maximum buzz and inserted them in the girls, and used black PVC duct tape that he found to seal them in place.
“Bye girls, have a nice life”, he said. Their faces were wincing from the vibrations and he couldn’t tell if it was pain or pleasure, but there defiantly anger in there somewhere.
Julian smiled, “I wonder what housekeeping when think later?”
“We’ll drop the door key in express checkout and slip,out, they think we are the Whites, so hopefully not traceable”.

The coast road was pleasant in the relatively early morning. There were quite a few dog walkers out braving the drizzle. Julian pulled over, “I need to clear my head, let’s get wet together!”
The couple walked aimlessly along the sea front, both pretending to be chilled, but neither could get the idea that they were being followed out of their heads. How had the girls found them at the hotel? Had they recognised the car? Was it pure coincidence and they were going there anyway? Julian and Bill walked arm in arm, both wanting to find a place for some private time, but aware of what happened last time.
“What happened to Mr.Pain?”, Julian asked.
“Do remember the short girl at the back of the room in the black dress?”
“Yes, the boring polyester affair”.
“Well, turns out she offered to take Dave home and walk over his cock and balls in her stilettos”, Bill added, “never seen a man move so fast!”
“Ouch!”, replied Julian with a wince.
“Why did you change this morning my darling, after I put you in my trousers”, asked Bill.
“Well”, replied his friend, “this has turned out to be a rainwear-only holiday by accident, and I was getting used to the idea of being forced into leather, plastic, latex and PVC, so it felt like a betrayal of what was happening to us. Plus of course I love latex leggings and I think you like me in them”.
Bill ran his hand over Julian’s bottom under his PVC raincoat and gave a buttock a squeeze through the shiny rubber, “oh yes my dear, quite lovely”.
They found themselves getting near the end of the beach, ahead was a brick wall with shops over it.
“Looks like we’ll have to go back”, said Bill, but as they wheeled round, still connected at the elbows, then Julian spotted a small door.
“Let’s investigate”, he said.
Outside were a couple of seaside inflatables, and one forlorn bucket and spade set. These signalled a small shop, but it was understated, out of the way and in need of sprucing up, that the couple doubted they got many visitors.
Inside was as dim as they had expected given the outside facade. It was filled with all the things you would expect from a nik-nak shop selling essential beach supplies, like little Union Jack flags, beach balls, an array of confectionary and an ice cream freezer that was clearly broken.
At the back of the small shop, and by which I mean about five paces in, was a rail of rainwear.
“Oh my God”, exclaimed Bill, “look at all these and look at the labels”.
“Wow”, replied Julian, “they all seem to be old stock from Woolworths and C&A”, he ran his hand through the multicoloured cool, smooth, plastic garments, “my kinda shop!”
A middle aged man walked in from the back of the premises and stood behind the small counter with an ancient till on it; the big grey mechanical type. Unlike the unkempt shop, the man was impeccably turned out.
“Good morning gentlemen”, he said, “can I interest you in some special rock, it’s from our own town, made here”.
“Er, no thank you”, replied Julian, distracted by the soft, translucent loveliness on the curved rail, and in every colour imaginable.
“Oh my word!”, exclaimed Bill, pointing to a grey mack, “it’s an original pakamac and in brand new condition”.
The man seemed slightly offended, “all our merchandise is new and of top quality”.
Bill eyed a faded plastic sailing boat that looked like it had been there since time began.
“We really do have the most delicious rock, I can show you how it is made, here on the premises gentlemen”,and he gestured to the narrow door through which he had arrived.
Julian was about to tell him what he could do with his stupid sticks of rock, when the man stepped out from behind the counter. His hair was gelled and he had animmaculate greying beard. He wore a white shirt and a tartan waistcoat. Now he had moved out, they could see below the waist the most amazing black rubber kilt. It had all the pleats and was topped of with a small, but interesting sporran which appeared to be also made of latex. The garment shimmered as he moved.
Bill knew about Scottish attire, and was well aware of the many metres of fabric that it took to make a real kilt; this must have coast a small fortune.
Mesmerised by the shimmering kilt, Julian said, “I suppose we could go and see how they make rock, it sort of sounds like the right thing to do on holiday”.
The two men stepped forward, and the shopkeeper nodded lightly to show his appreciation of the acceptance of his offer.
Julian needed to run his hand through the plastic raincoats again, saying under his breath, “don’t worry my lovelies, I’ll be back”.
Bill caught him, “you know sometimes you can be very weird”.
“As soon as I saw you gentlemen I knew you would appreciate our little cottage industry”.

Inside the room Bill and Julian were hit by the strong and familiar smell of rubber. As their eyes became accustomed to the dim light they could see rail after rail of all sorts of latex outfits. Most were black, but there were other colours. The room seemed to be divided down the middle; everything on the left was traditional raincoats, but on the right was a sea of raunchy outfits with belts, buckles, studs and openings to reveal private parts.
“We call this our rock house”, the shopkeeper explained, as another person entered the room from a doorway at the other end. She was dressed in all latex with a corset buckled up over a rubber bodice, shiny swishy skirt and long black fingerless latex gloves. Only her knee-length leather boots with about a thousand metal buckles down the front where not made of rubber. Her hair was an electric blue and she looked the polar opposite of the shop keeper.
“This is my wife Ava, she designs these lovely clothes, and I help her make them”.

To be continued…
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Re: The Holiday - Part 5

Post by hotwilly »

Thank you
Continues to entertain with various twists and turns
Broad minded enough to acknowledge we all enjoy different things:)
Posts: 1112
Joined: June 23rd, 2019, 6:47 pm
Location: South of England

Re: The Holiday - Part 5

Post by JellyMan »

SatinLinings21 wrote: September 15th, 2022, 3:15 pm Certainly some twist ms and turns
Watch out, the next part may well contain some satin lined loveliness!

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