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Any problems with cameras?

Posted: March 12th, 2013, 10:17 am
by matron69
Have any of you guys and girls had any problems with cameras in the rain?

Mainly in regards to LCD Screens?
I have a camera with a touch screen LCD and it has been used in the wet recently. (All those who have seen my recent youtube videos will know what I mean.)

Following being used as I have said the Touch screen seems to have frozen in one menu.
And as the camera uses the screen to get to the menus I am stuck!
I have warmed the camera gently but it has stayed the same.

Any ideas?

Best wishes


Re: Any problems with cameras?

Posted: March 12th, 2013, 12:25 pm
by Domino
Oh dear, Paul! This does not sound good.


Re: Any problems with cameras?

Posted: March 12th, 2013, 1:20 pm
by matron69
I think I have cracked it now!
I was going to blow dry it with a hairdryer but thought better of it!
Instead I have left it switched on for a couple of hours to heat it from the inside which seems to have done the trick!


Re: Any problems with cameras?

Posted: March 12th, 2013, 3:23 pm
by Domino
Sounds like it's working again now. Well done.


Re: Any problems with cameras?

Posted: March 13th, 2013, 3:55 pm
by matron69
Yes I think so?
I left the camera on all night on mains power to get it warm and it seems to be working ok.
Water must have got into the screen somehow I think?
Sorted now.
Thank you


Re: Any problems with cameras?

Posted: January 18th, 2020, 11:22 pm
by MissRachel
I do have problems with cameras. If I use my digital 35mm it has to be covered some how. The camera was very expensive even by WalMart discounting. Recently filming in the rain for this past Christmas I dropped my Go_Pro and broke the water proof door off the thing. I also find that even when all go well I need to wipe the lens ever start of a session. Water drops on the lens of course distorts the picture. I have been in places and everything was perfect only to find getting back home water on the lens ruined the view.