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Christmas Time

Posted: December 11th, 2022, 8:15 pm
by Deleted User 5375
Not explicit, ver short and fun!

Santa huffed, “carry on people”,and he turned and left, not impressed as usual. This was one of those departments that he knew the North Pole had to have, but it was not his scene.
Drake, the head elf clapped his hands, his PVC suit crackled in unison with his arms. All the other elves shot off back to their stations, each one dressed in a green PVC suit, for the boy elves, or red for the girls. Drake, being in charge of this department was in gold.
Jen sat back down at her machine and picked up the next letter, “Dear Santa, I know I am 45 years old, but you have always been good to me. Please can you make my wife a black PVC trench coat for Christmas, and spread a little fairy dust to help her come to appreciate the delights of shiny vinyl. In anticipation, Jeff, 24, Line Close, Aldershot, GU12 1BC. P.S. I have removed the chimney cowl to assist with entry!”
She smiled, and hit a purple button next to her. A long roll of green PVC next to her station shimmered and turned purple, then yellow, then blue, and finally black.
She expertly took a length of the material and began cutting out the pattern and sealing the pieces together. In less than two minutes the manikin next to her was dressed in an exquisite shiny black raincoat, complete with matching belt.
Dingle scooted by on a unicycle and whipped the new garment away for wrapping.
Jen smiled at the next letter and began to manufacture the clear plastic cagoule and matching trousers….

Merry Christmas


Re: Christmas Time

Posted: December 12th, 2022, 9:46 am
by hotwilly
Ho Ho Ho - if only this could happen

Re: Christmas Time

Posted: December 12th, 2022, 10:50 am
by Deleted User 5375
Drake blew his whistle to call the shift to an end. This was Jen’s favourite time of the day when she got to file out, jostling against the other elves all wearing their shiny PVC suits. What a shame that her hands accidentally brushed against soft plastic.
There are many things about the operation at the North Pole that people get wrong. Firstly that Christmas is just for kids; 38% of Santas rounds are to adults, all wanting something special under the tree. The other is that elves are short gnome like figures. In reality they look almost identical to humans, but with much paler skin, pointed ears and of course the ability to work at lightning speed. Most female elves are slim and quite flat-chested, so Jen stands out as being a fuller-figured girl with an ample chest.
Jen liked Snord. Everyone like Snord. He was the golden boy of the rainwear department; he could make manufacture plastic clothing almost twice as quickly as any other elf, but it was his dreamy eyes and bulge in his shiny suit that Jen most liked.
Snord, of course, knew nothing of Jen, but what he also didn’t know that they were the only two elves who actively relished getting dressed in their plastic suits each morning. The other elves saw the uniform as their duty to the Christmas family, that ran the North Pole Limited company.

Jen bumped into Snord, and her hand accidentally brushed between his legs. Her heart skipped a beat as she realised that only the thinest of shiny PVC was between her fingers and Snord’s manhood. From the feel she was pretty sure that, like her, he wasn’t wearing any underwear. Snord, unfortunately, was looking across to Karr who was chatting endlessly with all her girlfriends in a huddle of shiny PVC. Karr was striking, with long dark hair that flowed over her narrow shoulders. Jen clocked his gaze and her heart sank.

To be continued…


Re: Christmas Time

Posted: December 12th, 2022, 5:50 pm
by Deleted User 5375
Karr shut the door of her room behind her and quickly peeled of the PVC top, throwing it onto her bed. Next she wriggled out of the matching trousers, also discarding them with distain. She slipped into the en-suite shower and revelled in the warm soapy water removing the perspiration that build up on a daily basis. There is a knock at the door. She is expecting her friend Jalo to drop by, so she shouts in a cheerful voice, “come in”.
Snord entered with a bunch of weedlie-nal flowers, all in bloom, and singling gentle Christmas carols.
Karr was still drying herself off, “what in Gill’s name are you doing here?, I thought it was Jalo, go away!”
Snord had witnessed the girls nudity for a brief few seconds before she covered herself.
“I bought you these”, he thrust his arm forward, “I wondered if you would like to go to the waving picture palace with me?”
“Why are you still wearing that hideous uniform”, she hissed, “weedlie-nals make me sneeze and to be honest are bloody irritating. And all that is on at the palace is dull chamber music, if I went anywhere it would be the Razor Club”.
Snord perked up, he hid the flowers behind his back, “I can take you to Razor Club, how about Thursday at 8?”
“Don’t be stupid”, she replied, “the club is for cool elves, not the likes of you! And in any case the action never starts until after midnight, now leave me now!”
This sort of conversation was common between the couple and Snord was nothing if not persistent. He turned to leave and spotted the form on the table by the door.
“Are you putting in for a transfer?”
“None of your business”, she sneered, “but yes, I will go to any department given a chance, anything to get away”.
She leant over and picked up the discarded plastic trousers, “these for starters, uncomfortable, hot and they do nothing for my figure. But I am just fed up with the same lame requests from perverts to make them some cagoule or trench coat for Christmas”.
Snord didn’t know how passionately Karr hated her work and the uniform. He turned and left without another word.

To be continued…


Re: Christmas Time

Posted: December 12th, 2022, 7:56 pm
by Deleted User 5375
Jen sat in her room. No friends calling by. Her hand played between her legs, it was comforting but she wanted more; she wanted Snord.
Eventually she peeled her plastic suit off, folded it carefully, @and posted it down the laundry chute. Within seconds a package of a fresh suit dropped into the room from the delivery chute. She had a shower and slipped into bed. It was 7pm; but there really wasn’t anything else for her to do, except long for the next day to start, and the purpose of her existence to continue.

Suddenly she heard voices outside her door. It was an argument between two men, one she recognised as Santa himself, the other was a younger voice. Jen craned to hear what was being said, and with no other entertainment she decided that she needed to go to the kitchen down the hallway, not to listen in of course, but to, er, get a glass of milk. She stepped out. The stone floor was cold under her feet and her white nightshirt offered little protection from the cold draught. Nobody was there. She was confused, and decided to go to the kitchen as planned.
Just as she was about to enter the door, a figure bumped into her from the side corridor. Everyone else had changed now and was either in their night clothes or dressed up for going out. Snord’s PVC covered chest felt good on Jen’s bare arm.
“Watch it chubby”, he said in a distainful voice.
Jen was shocked, but not so much that she couldn’t respond, “oi, you were the one not looking twat. apologise now!”
He looked at her straight in the eye. He didn’t have time for this, he was on a mission to win Karr’s heart. He was off to see his friend Stil to see if he could help with getting in to the club; notoriously difficult for men to be admitted past the goblin bouncers.

Snord started to walk off. Jen grabbed his arm, “oi, where do you think you are going?”, despite Snord being the apple of her eye, she was not in that mode, she had switched into righteous indignation.
Snord tried to continue, but found himself prevented as Jen was clearly quite strong. he looked at her again. She had a pretty face, if quite rotund. She had a determined look.
“Sorry”, he said, “now can I go?”

To be continued…


Re: Christmas Time

Posted: December 12th, 2022, 9:58 pm
by Deleted User 5375
Jen pulled Snord to her, “apologise!”
“Sorry”,he replied, “now I need to….”
“Mean it”, she demanded, and pulled him closer.
The smooth PVC of his leg touched her naked skin below the hem of her nightie.
“I’m sorry”, he repeated.
“Ok, but before you go you must kiss me!”, Jen demanded.
Snord pulled back, but her grip was too much.
“Look I need to go”, he insisted.
She leaned forward and pulled him closer again. It was clear that he was going nowhere, until she got what she wanted.
Reluctantly he pursed his lips and closed his eyes as he leant forward, keen to get this over and done with.

Jen sat at her station. The letter was nothing special, except it was entirely illegal. Elves could never make a request to Santa Claus. But here it was, “Dear Santa, please can you make me a PVC babydoll for my new girlfriend. No need for fairy dust, she already enjoys the feeling of smooth shiny vinyl. Thanks in advance, Snord”.
Jen wondered why the letter had not been vapouriest as it should have been. But then who was Santa talking to outside her room, and where did they disappear to, just before she bumped into her new boyfriend.

She chose a lovely pink plastic material and started to fashion the nightie that she was sure would have Snord hooked forever, if he wasn’t already. Santa walked by on his usual rounds, and as he passed, the letter vanished into thin air.

“Happy Christmas Jen”, he said in a low deep voice. Jen stopped what she was doing. Santa. The Father Christmas. The big man. Numero Uno, Spoke to her, and he knew her name. She smiled.

The End


Re: Christmas Time

Posted: December 13th, 2022, 9:17 am
by hotwilly
Entertaining -thanks

Re: Christmas Time

Posted: December 18th, 2022, 9:53 pm
by annabell-cagoule
Lucky Jen, i might have to ask for one of those too!

Re: Christmas Time

Posted: December 19th, 2022, 6:04 pm
by HeatherlovesPVC
“Dear Santa, I know I am 45 years old, but you have always been good to me. Please can you make my wife a black PVC trench coat for Christmas, and spread a little fairy dust to help her come to appreciate the delights of shiny vinyl. In anticipation, Jeff, 24, Line Close, Aldershot, GU12 1BC. P.S. I have removed the chimney cowl to assist with entry!”

Lucky lucky Jeff

Loved the whole story, but I would have asked that the fairy dust would also help Jeffs wife appreciate the delights in having a cross dressing partner :)


Re: Christmas Time

Posted: December 20th, 2022, 1:25 am
by Deleted User 5375
HeatherlovesPVC wrote: December 19th, 2022, 6:04 pm “Dear Santa, I know I am 45 years old, but you have always been good to me. Please can you make my wife a black PVC trench coat for Christmas, and spread a little fairy dust to help her come to appreciate the delights of shiny vinyl. In anticipation, Jeff, 24, Line Close, Aldershot, GU12 1BC. P.S. I have removed the chimney cowl to assist with entry!”

Lucky lucky Jeff

Loved the whole story, but I would have asked that the fairy dust would also help Jeffs wife appreciate the delights in having a cross dressing partner :)

Jeff is a cross-dresser? I never knew! He kept that to himself very well, probably only dressing up in private. Now you come to mention it, he did have a keen eye for fashion, and I always remember he used to complain that men’s clothing was always so dull. I did think that those Faux leather leggings he wore were a bit unusual for a man. So clearly, from your request, Jane is unaware of his desires and he doesn’t feel she would understand his need for frilly ladies underwear, or maybe he told her, and she has rebuffed him. Anyway, I have asked my elves to adjust the formula in the dust to make her, let’s say, more open to his desires to dress like a woman. I have warned the elves to be careful with the mixture; in my experience, adding PVC and cross-dressing desires in one potion can amplify the effect of each other. We wouldn’t want a repeat of the 1987 incident of Sylvia Burroughs, where her appreciation went off the charts, and dressed herself, and her husband, head to toe in shiny plastic dresses and PVC stockings with black patent stilettos, and went shopping at Walmart as if it was the most normal thing in the world to do, with her husband bound and on a leash forced to go with her.

Yours truly,