How and when did your fetish begin?

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Re: How and when did your fetish begin?

Post by Gerlid »

Guess it started rather early, my parents have told me that I loved my blue raingear as a kid. Then, in our teens, we all used nylon jackets and in the winter we used nylon ski pants as well. And raingear was also made of nylon. This where during the time we, boys and girls, started to develop interest for the opposit sex. So the first contact with the female body was when they were in nylon cloathes. I can still be excited when I look at old photos from that time, my best friend in her shiny black nylon jacket. Remember how soft it was and the feeling when I hold her in my arms and caressed her. She felt even softer in her padded nylon jacket
Pvc Vinyl Enthusiast
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Re: How and when did your fetish begin?

Post by Pvc Vinyl Enthusiast »

Mine must have started when I saw fellow classmates at school wear the PVC jelly jackets, which came in glass clear, glass clear blue, glass clear red and glass clear green. These jelly jackets were quite different from the usual cottons, polyesters and nylons.

The jelly jackets were colourful and see-through. One of the girls who fancied me put her arm around me while she was wearing a glass clear red jelly jacket. I loved the cool sensation of the PVC against my neck, in addition to the rustling noise the material made.

My sister had a shiny turquoise blue 'Donald Duck' cartoon character PVC raincoat. It felt so soft and rubbery, and I loved trying it on. She never seemed to mind.

The dinner ladies at school wore aprons, which, I am sure, were made from shiny white PVC (as opposed to, say, polythene). The rustling noise these aprons made as the dinner ladies were wiping down the dining tables caught my attention, for reasons unknown to me.

Once I hit puberty, my 'interest' in shiny and glass clear PVC raincoats and other articles made from the same flexible PVC materials, such as glass clear shower curtains and shiny or clear inflatables, morphed into a sexual fetish.
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Re: How and when did your fetish begin?

Post by WealdenMac »

"The dinner ladies at school wore aprons, which, I am sure, were made from shiny white PVC (as opposed to, say, polythene). The rustling noise these aprons made as the dinner ladies were wiping down the dining tables caught my attention, for reasons unknown to me"

The dinner ladies at our primary school in the late 1950's wore green long rubber aprons, one of which my form teacher sensibly borrowed when she had the unwelcome (to her) task of cleaning me up after I'd had an "accident". It was humiliating and I was lucky not to get a smacked bottom.
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Re: How and when did your fetish begin?

Post by JoPVC »

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Re: How and when did your fetish begin?

Post by JoPVC »

Je devais avoir une dizaine d'années. J'ai retrouvé dans un placard deux imperméables en pvc couleur fumée translucide aspect vinyl achetés pour mes frères quelques années auparavant. Il y avait une capuche et la fermeture se faisait par boutons en métal blanc.
Je me les suis alors appropriés pour les vêtir, ce qui me procurait chaque fois une immense sensation de plaisir.
J'ai aujourd'hui plus de 60 ans et ce plaisir continue !
Vous aurez plus de récits lors d'un prochain message !
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