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Farmerrain biovinyl

Posted: April 7th, 2022, 8:29 am
by Rukkafan
Not a review but maybe this could be a request for one :D

Does anyone have any clothes from farmerrain made from biovinyl material?
How does it feel? Is it more rubbery or more plastic compared to old material?


Re: Farmerrain biovinyl

Posted: July 30th, 2022, 4:37 pm
by Foxrubber
Have the anorak in bio vinyl and would say that is much more close to heavy pvc than rubber :)
More flexible than Atlas material but definitely not smooth as rubber ;)

Re: Farmerrain biovinyl

Posted: August 1st, 2022, 9:24 am
by Tiefdruckgebiet
I think there isn't "one" biovinyl. The first using this terms were the retro coats in true blue (which is a stunning blue tone) and the white version with printed umbrellas or raindrops or whatever it was. Now they changed their fabric of the shiny retro coat from older Atlas fabric to something which is called biovinyl also. But here it isn't identical, my blue one is smoother and softer than the black one which feels more rough.

All in all I love them all, I did belt mods and changed the drawstring and replaced the endings to vintage-style ones to imitate the old belted Rukkas as good as possible. And the result is a modern unisex Rukka coat! There is no current coat coming so close to the legendary Rukkas!