Playing with someones raincoat in secret.

All rainwear discussions in general or that do not fit into other categories.
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Re: Playing with someones raincoat in secret.

Post by merv »

ray@rainwearcafe wrote:
regenhoedje wrote:
These stories are probably fiction, did you ever think about that?
Well, I agree that a lot of the stuff written in this thread is unbelievable !!!!
if it is fiction then we are being trolled by losers so either way we are best without them
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Re: Playing with someones raincoat in secret.

Post by regenhoedje »

Maybe we are best without you because I think it's rude calling people losers and since
I'm not going to your low level of name calling this will be my last posting in this thread.
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Re: Playing with someones raincoat in secret.

Post by mason »

I've just been reading the most recent posts here.

I would like to make it clear that I did *not* enjoy deleting some of the "offensive" posts referred to here earlier. I looked at every post carefully before deleting anything. I do not like censorship any more than any of you here. I've had a gutsful of this kind of thing Down Under.

I think it's great that we've got a place where we can talk about, and share our passion for a fetish that many people would frankly find weird at best.

However, I have to think about the reactions of strangers who accidentally wander in here. And it does happen. This forum is not as private as you think. I do not want a situation where someone orders Paul to close down the Rainwear Forum or see it placed on anti-porn filter black lists, never mind any investigations or criminal charges resulting from any admissions made on here.

Besides (and I make no apology for this), describing how you wanked into SOMEBODY ELSE'S possessions is just disgusting. I, and many other members here, did find it deeply offensive. I also deleted it for that reason. Masturbating into your own rainwear is OK, but ejaculating in someone elses clothing without their knowledge is not. Apart from the hygiene issues involved, there are also serious health issues (read: STD'S etc) to consider as well.

Lastly, calling me Paul's minion and other names is also just not on. I actually put quite a lot of time and effort into deleting spam and so on. I don't make a fuss about it; I just quietly delete any such posts and ban the perps on the spot. I help approve membership "applications" (which arrive in my e-mail inbox - sometimes the names they provide do fool Paul or I and they start posting spam straightaway, but we always pick it up quickly) and I inform Paul as soon as technical problems crop up. How quickly some people forget!

Thank you,

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Re: Playing with someones raincoat in secret.

Post by bjhaus »

Could somebody please tell me, simply and plainly and with no hot air about 'freedom of speech' (which isn't and never has been absolute, even on the Net libel laws apply, for instance), what it is about the 'right' of people to either a) wank in other people's property and brag about it, or b) make up stories about wanking in other people's property, that is worth wasting time defending? In what concrete way would either this forum or life in general be worse, if the 'right' to behave this way was removed?

I don't GAF either way whether it's crap or not. Tell it somewhere else - if you can't find anywhere, tough.
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Re: Playing with someones raincoat in secret.

Post by pvc_pete »


Firstly Mason, let me apologise for using the term minion. I'd had a sh%^&y day and some of the posts were riling me. I know persoally how much work running any form of web presence takes and wouldn't want to belittle that. Please accept my apology for this.

Secondly, as i suggested a few days ago i think deleting the thread would help to start to heal any fractures this discussion has caused. There are always going to be differences of opinion and as this forum is readable by anyone i can see some peoples concerns. I strongly oppose the word "Normal" though, as that is very subjective. Who defines normal? I think the average (boring!!) person on the street would find every single member of this site wierd or nuts. I mean who gets a thrill or arousal from wearing a raincoat FFS!!

I think we have all learnt about people's views, thresholds, tolerences and general views on life via peoples posts on this forum. I agree with many, diasagree with many and have some very strong views on others but that is what living in an environment with free speech is all about.

As i said maybe just delete the thread and we can move on from this.
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Re: Playing with someones raincoat in secret.

Post by RainbowDash »

I have taken raincoats in secret in the past:

The most memorable one was a PVC one that I think was bought from Peacocks (a UK clothing store chain).

It had been hanging on the coat hooks and it seemed as if the owner wasn’t coming back for it at this maths class in a village hall I used to go to.

I recall it was yellow and looked somewhat like the one in this picture


I threw it in the loft/attic, and I think it was probably found by my parents and disposed of.

Anyway, the last time I stole or borrowed a coat for my fetish was about 8 if not more years ago now and I personally don’t steal peoples coats or anything any more.
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Re: Playing with someones raincoat in secret.

Post by Satinlinedraincoats »

Hi Pete, maybe not your thing, but i used to love to play with my brothers white cotton raincoat lined with scarlet satin
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