bad day re dated

Stories and fantasies about rainwear.
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bad day re dated

Post by kellyp »

hi sorry for posting so many times i have been doing this as it comes to me i have update hope you like it so sorry about the selling its hard being disliax

Bad day
LIsa and Kelly work on boat.
They both lIve on a small Inland and shIppIng anythIng to the maInland
ThIs could be car parts and handbag they are lovers and are quIt poor and both of them are small but on the fat sIde.
It started lIke any other day they were gettIng all of the bIts they had to shIp ready
LIsa was makIng shore the boat was runnIng rIght and Kelly was makIng shore they had food and drInk It would take 4 to 5 hours to get to the maInland
Kelly are you ready yes saId Kelly and they start to set off they were on deck to gather LIsa was strIng the boat and Kelly was takIng to her It looks a good day the weather looks ok LIsa was not to shore about that It was gettIng dark and quIck Kelly could you go below deck just see If all bIt have not moved just In case It does start to storm. Ok I love you saId Kelly and makes her way below deck.
She looks around all was ok so she was goIng to make her way back to LIsa. Just as she gets back to the deck LIsa cry’s out get back down It had started to raIn and It was bad LIsa cry’s to Kelly I am freezIng get back down and try to fInd anythIng plastIc for us to wear. As they have very lIttle money they have never bough raIncoat but thIs was so bad the boat was move lIke It was a toy. Kelly run back down she starts to look around. As she was down there she was gettIng cold and thIs made her thInk about poor LIsa on deck tryIng to steer the boat. PlastIc plastIc ok thInk she was takIng to herself the boat moves hard and thIs was makIng It hard for Kelly to stand god I need to fInd anythIng If not for me but LIsa. Kelly fInds a plastIc bag on the floor It was a black trash bag ok It’s a start Kelly puts It on It was too tIght and start to rIp wIll thIs was do I more wIth at she starts to more boxes anther boxes them she fInds one marked coats, Kelly pulls the box open to fInd wool coats she starts to cry wIth anger she kIcks the box over all of coats fall out on the on to the floor know there Is nothIng down there that wIll help she kIcks the coat and starts makIng her way back to LIsa who Is so wet and cold she cannot stand up rIght, Kelly knows that there Is no poInt In wear any close as all she has Is just one plastIc bag as she takes off for skIrt and bags and then her top then just put the rIpped bag back on just as Kelly makes her way back up the staIrs she looks down the staIrs just to make shore she had not mIssed anythIng just as she Is about to gIve up she see somethIng that looks plastIc she runs over to It, It a Mac a plastIc Mac Kelly pulls It from under one of the boxes and trIes to put It on It Is two small but she know she has to get It on Kelly Is cryIng out come come please as she pulls the Mac one more tIme she get It on now all I have to do Is do the mac up wIth that she takes a bIg breath In pull she fat stumIct In and the zIp does up she then get the hood up, the mac Is so small she can fIll Its goIng to rIp what wIth that and the bag. Kelly I need you please help LIsa crys that the top of her voIce, Kelly knows that the mach she as on wIll not fIt LIsa, only If there so somethIng anythIng that could help us as Kelly looks In the dark she see a babes Parham wIth a lot of bIt they are takIng to the dump for a custom but It has a plastIc raIn hood I could use It to cover LIsa she runs over to It know It a last chance to save LIsa, Is gets It off and runs up the staIrs to LIsa as Kelly get to the deck the raIn and wInd are so strong she opens the plastIc hood she took of the Parham and puts It over herself just so she can see where Is goIng LIsa I am come please get to me as Kelly get over to LIsa Kelly you have a mac where mIne babe Kelly start to cry I could not fInd you one thIs Is the only one I could fInd and It Is too small for me so It wIll not fIt you what I need somethIng I am freezIng I know get under thIs raIn hood wIth me no screams out LIsa I want a Mac you have a plastIc raIn hood and a plastIc bag and a Mac I need your Mac LIsa Its too small for you please get under the raIn hood, wIth at LIsa grads Kelly Mac and start to pull It ok LIsa I wIll take It off they both lay under the plastIc raIn hood freezIng Kelly undoes the zIp know It wIll not fIt LIsa and know she Is about to get as cold as her please Kelly get It on me here put your arms In them I wIll try and done It up on you LIsa kIsses Kelly thank you I need It I wIll go below deck and try and fInd one there must be some more ok saId Kelly know there Is not. Ok LIsa thIs Is goIng to hart Kelly pull LIsa Into her tryIng to pull her fat body Into the mac so she can do the zIp up LIsa do up LIsa cry’s Its doIng up saId Kelly but then the mac start to make a rIppIng sound Kelly Its rIppIng please do somethIng I am not goIng to stop just a bIt more and wIth that the sIze does up rIght get the hood LIsa ok and then LIsa start to run to the staIrs to get blow deck LIsa cry’s out to Kelly get under the raIn hood use that and your bag to try and stay dry I love you, I love you to cry’s Kelly.
The wInd hIts the raIn hood whIch Kelly Is under Kelly grads the plastIc bag she Is just about wearIng hopIng at the wInd won’t rIp It from her and the raIn hood stay wIth her the raIn Is hIt harder and harder Kelly know It’s not raIn but now Ice she know that If LIsa trys to get back to her the Ice wIll rIp her mac from her as It was to tIght on her
As LIsa trys to get blow deck a wave hIts to boat LIsa Is falls over she Is the water has made her more cold she turns to see If Kelly Is ok Kelly Is tryIng to hold on the raIn hood as the deck Is covered by water If I try and get back to her what then I most get blow deck Kelly most of mIssed somethIng down there. Kelly Is doIng all kInd of thIngs to stop her from thInkIng about how wet and cold she Is she Is at the poInt of desperatIon that Is start takIng to herself, maybe I could masturbate myself that mIght get me a bIt warmer then I am she start playIng wIth herself thInkIng of LIsa In that very tIght plastIc raIn mac If we were at home that could be fun, thIs help take her mInd off of what Is happenIng to LIsa and her.
LIsa get under the deck rIght see can see were Kelly had been but the coats she had kIck for mac Is so wet and cold It has start to freeze the same thIng Is happenIng to Kelly the Ice and made the plastIc raIn hood freeze up Kelly Is stIll tryIng to masturbate to the thInk about It
LIsa start to look In the dark It Is hard to see goes over to were Kelly fInd the Parham all of these thIng are for the dump LIsa was homeless before she meet Kelly and survIved the wInter on the streets by fInd old coat and shoes on a dump people frown out all soft of thIngs once when she was In a storm she survIved because someone frow out a bag of plastIc raIncoats that’s all she wear plastIc anther plastIc she thInks here mIght be some there LIsa start to bIte the trash bags fool of trash bags anther bags she bItes cuts all she can fInd of old food the smell was bad just as she Is about to gIve out she takes one more bIte to a bag her very small mac smells and she put her hand In the bags she has just bIte open what not more bags she can fIll somethIng plastIc she rIps the trash bags open to fInd under some old smelly food raIncoats four of them what that see pulls them out she cold and very wet and smelly she thInks should I put them on or try and keep the dry and get back to Kelly who now Is so cold masturbate help a bIt but can now she the Ice on the raIn hood know she wIll dye rIght there Is LIsa does not get back to her rIght now
LIsa puts too of the very smelly raIncoats on and somehow they seem to fIt they are old but make from what seems to be very strong plastIc all of them have popers so LIsa does up the too raIn coat over the small one she has on and pushes the other too to her fanny that should keep the warm
LIsa raIn up to the top deck to where Kelly Is, Kelly has pulled the trash so tIght Is has rIp and she Is frozen just has she Is about to gIve up all hope Is can hear LIsa screenIng to the wInd I am come to you baby just hold In LIsa Is fIndIng It so hard to get to Kelly wIth the raIn and the Ice LIsa pull the hoods of the raIn coat hard so she can see where Is goIng Kelly cry’s out come on you are almost here, Kelly pull LIsa under the raIn hood that has just about keep her alIve you have plastIc raIncoats where Is the one I gave you under these too Kelly kIsses LIsa so hard you fInd more yes how have you been up here Kelly freezIng I have been masturbate to try and get warm I pull the bag so hard It rIp come I have one of the raIncoat you have on so Kelly Is holdIng LIsa she can smell the raIncoat, they smell not at I care I want on now where dId you fInd them and they fIt I wIll tell you but here get these on LIsa pull both the raIncoat from down by her fanny they should be warm I put them down there to keep them dry Kelly could not get them on quIck anent shakIng from the cold the smell dId not bother them . Just as both gIrls dId not thInk It could get much worse It turned darker then Kelly saId to LIsa I don’t lIke the look of that whey both the stIll sackIng from the cold It wIll be ok Kelly LIsa saId know It was not goIng to be ok any tIme soon just as she saId that It start to raIn hander then be for but thIs was not raIn but more lce In fact It was haIlstones very bIg one at that Kelly screams Kelly know Is wIll not only rIb the raIn hood but also all of the plastIc the gIrl had on Kelly cry’s to LIsa that the fuck are we goIng to do just hold on In there Is wIll be ok not It won’t wIth that the boats engIne start to make a funny nose but wIth the sound of the wInd the gIrl don’t hear It, the wInd starts to pull the raIn hood from the gIrls they try to hold It tIghter to them knowIng If that goes they wIll be In trouble Kelly I can’t hold It much more please LIsa try we both need, more and more lIce hIt them and wave anther wave hIt the boat look we can’t be too far from the maInland yews Kelly to LIsa but both of them do not know the engIne has died, LIsa I can’t hear the engIne, It’s the wInd that why NO It’s not I thInk It’s dead NOOOOO screams LIsa Kelly know the only way to fInd out Is to lave LIsa and go down to the engIne room to fInd out. LIsa I am goIng to leave you up hear and go and have a look no please don’t we wIll be ok wIthout the engIne, we mIght see another boat that can help LIsa you know we are the only boat that dose thIs trIp please Kelly don’t go, know know there Is no other way she has to leave LIsa, look I am goIng to take off both of my raIncoats put them on once I get to the engIne room It wIll be warm I the rIp tash bag on I wIll be fIne Kelly undoes both of the her raIncoat and put them on LIsa It was a very tIght fIt to get them on LIsa Kelly felt so cold no try not to show It to LIsa you have fIve raIncoats on now get under the raIn hood and just hold on I wIll be back soon.
Once Kelly was out of sIte of LIsa Is start to panIc Ice was hIttIng her and the raIn was very bad Kelly grad the rIp bags she had on and ran as fast as she could to the engIne room just to get warm
Kelly got to the door of the engine room it fell cold that was not good she was shaking due to only have a bag on why is the door so cold shop opened it the engine had stop running and because it was a lows point of the boat the room had start to freeze, kelly was colder then she had ever been is needed to get warm and fast there was no way she could get back to lisa just wearing a bag, kelly start to cry she was in pain due to the cold trying to think of what to do they she remember d when she work on the engine she used a plastic sheet to cover bits of it when she would stop to do something else, it must still be down here kelly know she did not have long as she could not fell her toes, with that she looked ever were then from behind some pipes there it was she start to pull it but then she hears a sound she did not want to hear it, it is the sound of plastic being ripped no please no she screams, well I need something she keeps pulling it tell it teas its self free, kelly grad the bit of please she has freed and starts to wrap it around her freezing body, there is not much plastic to cover kelly due to the size of kelly, they she thinks what if i take the bag off and rip this plastic sheet over my head then the bag back on, and thats what she does, so there is kelly with a ripped sheet and a ripped bag on its two far to get back to lisa look is the ice will rip both bits of plastic off me, I could make it the the cargo room where lisa frond the raincoats, there could be more so kelly makes her way there, it takes her so long to get there by the time she has all of the plastic has start to freeze up, she pull her arms around herself try to find some warmth , but back on deck lisa is have the same problem, please kelly get us out of this she is say to herself the plastic rain hood which she is still under has frozen up and all of her raincoats have done the same thing, then lisa hear a big ban the boat has hit a rock lisa is scared the boat start to take on water from the engine room without thinking lisa grads the rain hood and runs to the cargo hold the get the life boat it is a inflatable bunking with no top but it is the only way lisa is going to be able to stay alive if she does not freeze to dead as she runs to the cargo hold she turns god kelly, I will get the life boat then kelly she runs down the stairs to the cargo hold she can her a nose its kelly lisa screams’ out kelly, kelly turns what the hall are you doing down here you are meant to be trying to steer the boat, the boat is taking on water cry’s lisa I have come down here is get the life boat, lisa in this weather it not going to be much good it does not have a top kelly is so cold kelly what are you doing i am trying to find more raincoats they aren’t anymore there must be i am so cold, here put one of these on says lisa no you keep them get the life boat i will down down here right to the last minute to try and find more ok with at lisa say what about food i will find something go and get the life boat ok
With at lisa runs off to get the life boat and get back on deck to get the boat into the freezing water, she pull the cord and the boat inflates then just before she frows the boat into the water she tries the safety cord around herself its had to tie with just one hand as she is trying so hard to keep the frozen plastic rain hood with her once done she frow the boat into the water and herself the water is so cold and fills out the plastic rain coats making it hard for her to swim she grid the boat frows herself into the boat with is hard because the plastic keeps slipping in the plastic of the boat
She has also mange to keep the rain hood with her so shaking and freezing she pull it over herself hoping and wanting for kelly the boat is going g down but quit slow kelly is still trying to find more raincoat before it is two late the shit lisa right if we survive this we could be at sea for some time we will need food with at she get back to cutting open the trash bags hoping and just hoping there is something she is getting colder she know the boat is going down then she pull from the trash a bag off old frit could this be a sign ok she know she is despite she puts it on the floor know she will need to take it with her bag ather bag noting she know she is running out of time then she pulls out more bags cut ather cut then she get to a bag of closes she is out for time is grads the bag and the bag of fruit and runs to the top deck she can see lisa jump lisa screams, kelly jumps into the boat lisa grads the bags then kelly and they both pull the rain hood over them lisa kisses kelly you made you find some more raincoats i am not shore baby there is food in one and the other one before kelly could finish what she was saying lisa bit the smelly bag open and pulled out some shoes t-shirts the two more plastic raincoat but they looks very small but they are going on kelly no matter, get them on now plastic lisa they are to small so get them on look i am just to fat plastic just hold me you can keep me warm then i am no you get them on with at lisa grad kelly arm and start to put her is the very small and yet again just like before smelly raincoat it was ripping with ever pull kelly did do not stop lisa crys you are going to get the on
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